10 ways graphene is about to change your life. Read More... ~ .

Saturday, March 19, 2016

10 ways graphene is about to change your life. Read More...

It's strong, it's flexible, and it's here. After a long time cooking in the labs, the first graphene-based products are beginning to trickle out into the world of smartphones, wearables, batteries, virtual reality, sports equipment, super-capacitors and supercars.
It's a material that some believe has been coerced from abandoned space ships, left on earth by distant races years ago. While that's a little unlikely, the power of this super thin, strong, conductive and all-round amazing material is deserving of such a conspiracy.
It's been over 60 years coming as scientists and manufacturers alike have struggled to harness the power of this awesome material - but it's closing in on revolutionising so many things we're using day to day.

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